Sukeroku Yuurakutei (有楽亭 助六) the 3rd also known as Yotaro (与太郎) is a major character of Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu. He is the apprentice of Yakumo Yuurakutei the 8th.
Yotaro's birth name is Kyoji (強次)[2]
After being apprenticed by Yakumo, he was assigned the name "Yotaro (与太郎)". The name of a stock character in Rakugo, often meaning a foolish man or blockhead. He took up this name as a Zenza up until he became Shin'uchi, where he then decided to succeed the name Sukeroku (助六)
At the end of the story, Yotaro ended up succeeding Yakumo's name, becoming Yakumo Yuurakutei (有楽亭 八曇) the 9th
From a young age, Yotaro had already been exposed to rakugo through his Father's interest for it.
As a teen, Yotaro joined the gang Isao-Gumi under Isao Kido. Eventually, in order to leave the gang he served 3 years[3] in prison, in Isao's son's stead. While in prison, he saw Yakumo Yuurakutei perform "The God of Death." After falling in love with his performance, Yotaro decided to devote himself to rakugo after he was released from prison. It is said that Yotaro's father passed away due to an illness while Yotaro was in prison.
Fresh out of prison, Yotaro confronts one of the officers outside listening to a performance of “Shinigami,” striking up a conversation with him about rakugo. The man remarks about how he has nowhere to go, but Yotaro rejects the idea, telling him he's going to the yose to see the “the greatest rakugo artist alive.” referring to Yakumo. The man acts as though he has crazy, but Yotaro remarks back that he has nothing to lose; that the Yose is where people with nowhere else to go head to.

Yotaro after finding out Yakumo doesn't take apprentices
With a new haircut and suit, Yotaro approaches Matsuda behind the Yose, asking if the car he had was Yakumo's. Matsuda tells him if he's a fan, he should see to the ticket office, but Yotaro then claims he is flat broke after buying a new suit and haircut, and that he was not going anywhere until apprenticed by Yakumo. Matsuda apologizes to Yotaro, stating that Yakumo refuses to take any apprentices, begging him to reconsider. Distraught, Yotaro begins to beg Matsuda to help as “they're friends,” only to be interrupted by Yakumo himself. Yotaro instantly leaps onto Yakumo, calling him his Sensei and his hero ever since he performed “Shinigami,” in his prison for him and the other inmates. Yakumo takes this as he has just got out of prison and has nowhere to go, and Yotaro reassures him that that is correct. Yakumo makes for his car, leaving Yotaro at a loss, but not before Yakumo tells him to get in as well. Yotaro instantly revitalizes himself and joins Yakumo in his car.
Upon arriving at Yakumo's house, he is quickly introduced to Yakumo's adoptive daughter, Konatsu. Yotaro greets her by saying he hasn't spoken to a woman in a while, and Konatsu angrily throws the book she had been reading into his face. The scene instantly cuts to Yotaro reading a memorial on Konatsu's father, Sukeroku. Matsuda explains to him the delicate relationship between Konatsu and Yakumo, due to her father's passing 20 years prior. Yotaro begins asking Matsuda if he should be doing chores as well, as he's now an apprentice, but Matsuda insists it is fine, before they are interrupted by Konatsu commanding Yotaro to her room.

Yotaro and Konatsu
Konatsu instantly tells Yotaro to leave while he can, stating that there's no way that Yakumo would ever take interest in taking an apprentice. Konatsu begins on a rant, telling us how Yakumo instead to take a double suicide with Rakugo, as it's on its way out due to the increasing popularity of other more accessible forms of comedy. Yotaro stops her, though, stating that he stopped listening halfway through, driving Konatsu off the walls. Yotaro continues, stating that he's glad he was able to meet her, as he never encountered someone his age who liked Rakugo. Konatsu states that rakugo isn't about love for her, as she would never be able to perform anyway. Yotaro jumps on her, begging her to perform for him, but not before they're interrupted by the sound of Yakumo's shamisen. Yotaro learns of all the performative arts Yakumo can perform, and laments on how sad it would be for his art to disappear.

Yotaro in the yose for the first time
In the following days, we see Yakumo picking out a kimono for Yotaro. In the midst of their conversation, Yotaro begins to recite Shinigami, in which Yakumo quickly changes moods and glares at him, telling him to stop embarrassing himself, sending Yotaro back. Yakumo and Yotaro continue to the Yose, in which they are greeted by the Rakugo critic, Amaken. Yakumo ignores him, and Yotaro asks if it it's ok to do so, where Yakumo reassures him that it is fine. Yakumo begins to assure Yotaro that tonight that all he needs to do is enjoy the show, and that he would perform Shinigami for him, which instantly sends Yotaro grinning with glee. Yotaro begins sneaking behind Yakumo around the yose, but not before he is pulled to the side by Amaken. Amaken begins interrogating Yotaro about who he is. Yotaro tells him that he's Yakumo's apprentice. This sends Amaken into a rant on Yakumo's rakugo and art refinement. Amaken then stops himself and drags Yotaro off as Yakumo's debayashi begins playing. Yakumo begins performing "Shinigami," and Yotaro watches in awe, remarking on how masterful is rakugo is.
The following morning, Yotaro is sitting on the veranda practicing the rakugo story, "Shinigami." Konatsu sneaks up behind him, asking if that's Yakumo's Shinigami, startling Yotaro. Yotaro tells her that Yakumo had performed it for him at the Yose the night prior, shocking Konatsu as to how he possibly could have already memorized it. Yotaro tells her that he had heard it in prison once before, and that he has a good memory for things he likes. Konatsu tells Yotaro to perform Shinigami, in which he does. Konatsu explains Yotaro on how each Rakugoka portrays stories differently. Konatsu then performs her own version of Shinigami after Yotaro asks. Yotaro remarks on how her rakugo is actually really good, being that her voice is really strong and carries well. This reminds of what Sukeroku would tell Konatsu as a child, causing her to lash out in embarrassment, asking him who even asked for his opinion. Yotaro insists that she could go pro if she really tried, but Konatsu insists that she couldn't as there has been no female rakugo artists, and that Yakumo would disapprove. They continue their discussion, but not before Yakumo interrupts them.
After Yakumo walks in, Yotaro asks him if he has a minute to spare. He continues by asking Yakumo if he could seriously take him on as his apprentice, and learn rakugo for real. Yakumo responds to him by asking him what he would do if Yakumo were to say no. Yotaro reassures him that he won't go anywhere until he would say yes. Yotaro adds on by asking that he also would like for Yakumo to take on Konatsu as an apprentice. Konatsu freaks out, asking for when she asked. Yotaro continues to encourage Yakumo to accept her as one by showing her the notes she has been writing on her father's rakugo works. Yakumo remarks on how they're all Sukeroku works, in which Konatsu snaps back by saying it's what she loves to do. Yakumo instanly throws the book in her face, calling her ungrateful. Kontasu instantly flies into a rage, in which Yotaro begins restraining her. Once Yotaro restrains her she begins crying, claiming that Yakumo had killed her father Sukeroku.
Next we see, Yakumo is practice his shamisen alone in his room, where Yotaro is eavesdropping on him. Yakumo yells at Yotaro to come in, stating that he prefers to practice alone. Yotaro asks if Yakumo had been playing a song from "Okyo's Ghost," as he had recognized it since he heard it the other day. Yakumo asks where he had heard it, leaving Yotaro no choice but to tell him he had been going to the yose on his own. Yakumo asks as to how he had gotten in, Yotaro stating that the manager had let him in for free as he knew he was Yakumo's apprentice. Yakumo states that Yotaro doesn't need to sneak around, that he can simply ask if he needs any money. Yakumo then states that he will be going to Kyoto tomorrow, so Yotaro will be carrying his bags for him while he's there. Yotaro instantly jumps up in excitement, stating he's never gotten to go on vacation before. Yakumo scolds him to be on his best behavior
- It is said in Chapter 18 that he had a dialect from "back home," implying he's not originally from the Tokyo area. That along with yakuza slang often got him in trouble with Yakumo.
v - e - dCharacters of Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu |
Yotarou Wandering Arc |
Yotarou | Yakumo Yuurakutei the 8th | Konatsu | Yakuza Boss |
Yakumo and Sukeroku |
Kikuhiko | Hatsutarou | Sukeroku Yuurakutei the 2nd | Yakumo Yuurakutei the 7th | Miyokichi | Konatsu | Sukeroku |
Yakumo once Again |
Sukeroku Yuurakutei the 3rd | Yakumo Yuurakutei the 8th | Konatsu | Shinnosuke | Eisuke Higuchi | Kidoisao |
Other |
Matsuda | Amaken | Mangetsu Tsuburaya | 猫助師匠 | アニさん | お千代 | Oei |